B2THEWORLD NYC Event: Rebuild, Restore, Renew March 13. Register here!


Expansion Vision for Cameroon


Join B2THEWORLD's May Match Week Campaign and support transformative education for boys and girls who need it most.


<<First Name>>,

Imagine being forced to flee your home and community, leaving behind everything you know and love. This is the reality for many children in Cameroon where the conflict between the Anglophone and Francophone regions, has had a devastating impact on their lives. As a result, several schools have had to suspend operations or shut down altogether, leaving over 700,000 children without access to education.

When our team visited Cameroon, they saw first-hand the need for a transformative education there. Together with our partners, we seek to establish Africa International School (AIS), a place whose vision would not only provide vital education to these children, but would also help them rebuild their lives and get equipped to become the future leaders of their country.

In this video, we share what the impact of one school can have on the lives of Cameroonian students.

At B2THEWORLD, we are committed to providing education to over 450 Cameroonian children. Alongside our partners we’re going to build a boarding school to support several girls seeking solace from the conflict. We can’t do this alone, we need your support.

We encourage you to participate in our May Match Week campaign. This week, we are hoping to raise over $20,000. Together we will make a difference in the lives of children around the world. Our board has been generous and will match up to $10,000 of your donations.

Your donation will be doubled to impact the lives of more children. We are so close to meeting our goal this week. Please share our email with friends to consider making a contribution or subscribing to receive our updates.

Thank you for considering our request.

Strength and Courage,

Ben and Susie